Sunday, March 16, 2008


What do you know about Islam? What do you want to find out?

Post a paragraph here right now in class.


Anonymous said...

I don't know very much about Islam. I know that it's monotheistic, came several hundred years after Christianity, and was started by Muhammad. Their holy book is called the Qur'an, and they're the second largest religion in the world. That's about all I know, but I would like to learn more, like what their opinion is towards other religions (especially Christianity and Judaism) and what some of their main beliefs are. I would also like to see how it spread, and what the differences between the Sunni and Shi'a divisions of it.

Anonymous said...

I initially only knew that Islam was a monotheistic religion based from the teachings of Muhammad. Islam has many religious things and there are two main groups, Sunni and Shi'a. Muslim is another name for Islam and since there are more that one billion muslims around the world, Islam is on of the five main religions of the world.

Anonymous said...


We learned about Islam in 6th grade. I have very faint memories about it. The things I do remember are the 5 pillars of faith, the teachings of Mohamed, Allah, and Mecca.

I would like to learn about Mohammed's teachings (more in depth), Mecca, and the 5 pillars of faith. I would also like to see parallels to other religions.


Anonymous said...

Honestly, I do not know much about Islam. I found out that Islam is a monotheistic Abrahmic religion. Islam started with the teachings of Muhammad. Something interesting I found was that Islam means submission. Muslim means one who submits to god. The holy book is called the Qur'an.
1. What are the five pillars of Islam?
2. What percent of the world is Muslim ?
3. What exactly does a Abrahmic religion mean? Does it mean that Islam came from some of the teachings of the Jews?
4. What are the differences or similarities between the 2 groups: Sunni and and Shi'a

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I dont really know much about Islam, but this is what I do know...

1. I think the religion is Muslim and I remember reading a story called "1000 nights" or something like that and the god is called "Allah"

2. I know Muhammad is important

3. I think Muhammad Ali the boxer is Muslim

4. The women have to wear "burkas" (maybe) over their faces or scarves because they are not suppose to show a lot of skin to any men but their husbands.
The women probably get punished if they dont.

5. Mulims make a pilgrimage to Mecca

6. We went on a field trip to a Mosque, which is a Muslim place of worship. When you go in, you are suppose to take off your shoes and get on your knees.

7. It is probably really hot and dry there so people probably wear loose and thin clothing that reflects the sun.

8. people might wear turbans...

9. they travel on camels maybe

10. Was Aladdin Muslim?

Anonymous said...

The only thing I know about Islam is that it is in a religion that believes in the 5 pillars of faith (maybe similar to the ten commandments?), and they are monotheistic. They think Muhammad was a prophet and he was extremely close to God. I am interested in learning how it is similar and different to Judaism and Christianity. I already know the 3 religions are similar in some ways, I just do not know how.

Anonymous said...

Initially all I knew about Islam was that it is a religion, their god is called Allah and that it is a monotheistic religion. I also knew that the Islamic religious text is the Qur'an. After I did a little research on Islam I learned that Muslims believe that Muhammad received the Qur'an from Allah. Islam is the second-largest religion in the world and the two largest denominations of Islam are Sunni and Shi'a. I would like to learn more about how Islam originated and just learn more about the things I already know and in more depth.

Anonymous said...

Islam is a monotheistic religion

It's the second largest religion

It's based on the teachings of Muhammad.

God in Islam means Allah.

The religious texts are referred do as Qur'ans.

There is law in the religion, and is connected with the Five Pillars.

Aren't allowed to eat foods such as pig products, blood, carrion, and alcohol.

Want to know:
What are womens roles in the religion?
What are other restrictions such as food?
Is there a special time to worship?
Are there any Islamic holidays?

Some Islamic Terms-->

Anonymous said...

I know a little bit about Islam right now. I know that there are two major sects, Sunni and Shia (which we talked about in class anyway), and I know most Muslims populations are in the Middle East and North Africa (and also in Indonesia too). I know that most Muslims are supposed to make a holy pilgrimage to Mecca (I think) once in their lifetime. I also know that the holy book is the Koran (which can also be spelled different ways) and their prophet is Mohammed, I think. I would like to learn more about Islamic religion and culture, and some of the customs and beliefs. I would also like to learn about how it relates to other religions, like Christianity and Judaism.

Also, I heard somewhere that in Western Europe there is a problem with Muslim immigration from the Middle East, similar to the Hispanic immigration problem in the U.S. I don't know how true this is however.

Anonymous said...

**oh & I didn't really know much about the religion

Anonymous said...

I really do not know very much about Islam. I think that it originated out of Christianity and Judaism. I do know that there are some similarities between Judaism and Islam for example with Abraham there is Isaac in Judaism, and I think Ishmael in Islam. I found out from a quick search on Wikipedia that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are sometimes called the Abrahamic religions because of the "progenitor role" (Wikipedia) that Abraham played in each of these three religions. I think that in Islam people pray 5 times a day, and there is a certain direction they always pray. I would like to learn more about the Five Pillars of Islam, and also about where the religion originated and how it spread. I would also like to learn more about the differences the two sub-groups of Islam, the Sunni and the Shi'a as well as the basic laws of Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Initially, I did not know much about Islam besides the fact that is was a religious practice, and that it is a monotheistic religion. But after a quick search on Google, and then clicking on the first link that popped up, I found out that Islam is the second largest religion in the world (following Christianity) that spreads the teachings of Muhammad. I also knew from a previous field trip, the Islamic pray is preformed on the ground. I am however slightly confused about the differences between Islam and Christianity and were the two separate in history. I had know that there were the five pillars in Islam, but I am confused on what they are and how they affect the society. I learned from Wikipedia that there are two types of groups in Islam, the Sunni and the Shi'a, I would like too know what the difference between these two groups are and if there differences has caused any tension resulting in death or war. I would also like to learn about Islam and family and the role of woman in the religion.

Anonymous said...

I know very little about Islam. All i really know is about the Crescent moon and star symbol. This symbol was adopted by the Islamic people. It was not created about them. I also know that Mohammad started the religion. Also I know little about the Koran. All i know is that it is their holy book and thats it. I would like to know more about the practices of Islam and more about their culture in general.

Anonymous said...

i really do know that much about Islam. i know it is big in other parts of the world especially near the middle East. i know that it is based off of the teachings of Muhammad. I know that they believe that Jesus was a prophet and not God's son. i know that they build lots of large extravagant Mosques. I know that they call God, Allah. I know that it is a monotheistic religion. after a little research i learned that they believe that Muhammad was the final prophet of God. i learned that they believe God revealed the Qur'an. They believe that Muhammad was god's messenger

Anonymous said...

I know Islam in Arabic means "Submission" and in arabic it's "Allah". Muhammed is the centered person of belief. It's how Islam got its name because it's the submission to Allah or Muhammed. I would like to know more about the history of Islam and how it came about. The Qur'an is the religous document which has text taken from the bible and torah.

I want to know about the relious texts and see what texts were used from other religions such as christianity and judaism.

Harry said...

Islam is one of the biggest religions in the world today. (2nd biggest?) Also, in today's world a lot of negative attention has been drawn to Islam, especially in the Middle East. Contrary to popular belief, Islam is not only located in the Middle East, but in many countries. For example, the biggest population of Muslims is not located inside the Middle East, but in Indonesia, showing that Islam is a truly global religion. The religion was originally begun (and spread) by the prophet Mohammad who lived in and around Arabia. The religion preaches that one should respect thy neighbors, especially those who are of different religions. In Mohammed's world there were no infidels (unlike today), only his followers and those who didn't. (That didn't make them infidels, just outsiders) In the controversial book, No God but God, by Dr. Reza Aslan, the author claims that Islam is constantly evolving, and we will soon see the rise of Islamic Democracy. (Hard as it is to see) The holy book of Islam is the Koran, which is related to the Bible and the Torah. Mohammed claimed that Islam is the updated version of the Bible and the Torah, and that all the world should follow it. The religion currently has 1.1-1.8 billion followers. Islam really spread during the 700-800 period and has continued to spread since.

Anonymous said...

I don't know much, but Islamic people lead their lives according to the 5 Pillars of Faith. Islam is the second largest religion in the world, after Christianity. It is a monotheistic religion. The religious text is the Quaran.

1. Are women treated equal to men?
2. How many people are Islamic in the US?

Anonymous said...

I originally knew that Islam was a religion that we briefly heard about in 6th grade, but because of the gap in the years I don't remember much else . Through some brief research I learned that there are between 1.1 billion and 1.8 billion Muslims in the world today. I also learned that Muslims believe that God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad, God's final prophet after Jesus. They do not regard Muhammad as the founder of a new religion, but as the restorer of the original monotheistic faith of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. (Wikipedia)
Some things that I would like to learn about Islam are some facts about Muhammad and where islamic people meet for religious gatherings.

Anonymous said...

Islam is a religion started by the prophet Muhammad. It has two main sects (Shia and Sunni), and has recently been used as an excuse for several terrorist groups, despite the religion condemns violence. (Thou shall not murder? though NOBODY seems to listen to that one...). I would like to know what caused some of the Muslim nations to decline from being the major world powers they were at the time of the crusade, to Europe having much more control by the renaissance.