Tuesday, December 4, 2007

2 more ATG questions

Post your two most thoughtful ATG questions here
for pages 7-11 of the document about Alexander The Great.


Anonymous said...

1. In the reading it keeps saying that ATG campaigned, what exactly does campaigning mean back in that time period ??

2. In the beginning of the reading it says ATG's mother told him that he was not the son of Philip but the son of Zeus (page 3) but on page 10 it says that ATG was the son of Apollo ( who is the son of Zeus). Did his mother say he was the son of Zeus or the son Apollo ??

3. Once ATG died and his empire collapsed, was all his hard work a waste?

Anonymous said...

I know we only needed 2 questions, but I had 3 that i wanted to put out there so...

Did ATG consider himself a god?

What happens to a conqueror when there is nothing left to conquer? Is it possible to conquer everything?

Why does ATG continue to switch his customs?

Anonymous said...

• Why didn't the greeks spear the elephants? It seems it would be easy with 16ft spears.
• When ATG was peirced by an arrow did his army continue to move or did the stop?

Anonymous said...

3)Who built the shrine of Zeus and what was it built for?

4)Why were ATG's fights the toughest while crossing to India?

Anonymous said...

1. What were the war elephants? Did they have any armor or special weapons attached to them?

2. Did Alexander get any help when the arrow punctured his lung?

Anonymous said...

1. Why did the battle of Guagamela start?

2. Did ATG get more men on his journey?

Anonymous said...

1. Why did most of the trouble come from his officers? There were so many more troops, so you´d think that there would be more people who weren´t as loyal among them. The officers were higher class than the troops, so it seems like their positions and lives were set, why were they so unhappy with ATG?

2. Was King Porus really 7 feet tall, or is it just more propaganda? Are a lot of the descriptions we get about rulers from ancient times accurate, or is it more of what the rulers wanted people to think, so that´s what they publicized?

Anonymous said...

1) What were some of the Persian gods? Were they at all similar to the Greek gods?
2) Did ATG want to conquer Darius more because he wanted power or because he wanted personal pride?
3) Why would ATG be more likely to “side” with the Persians than the Greeks? (ex. he wore Persian clothing, made Persians his generals rather than Greeks)

Harry said...

1. When ATG finds out his troops want to go home, he begins to sulk. Does this mean that he is somewhat spoiled?

2. Today, what do ATG's achievements mean as opposed to back when he was campaigning?

Anonymous said...

1. What would ATG have done if he had suceeded in conquering the world?

2. Why didn't ATG plan for the empire for after his death? Was he really that selfish?

Anonymous said...

1. How did Alexander manage to get new recruits for his army from every nation he conquered? Didn't a lot of nations oppose him? Were the people forced into recruiting, or did Alexander intimidate them? Or maybe did he appeal to them as a good leader?

2. The article states the when Alexander died, the entire kingdom of Babylon mourned his death. How can this be accurate? Didn't a lot of people oppose and resist him? Or had they gotten used to him or maybe even accepted him by this time?

Anonymous said...

1. What was the mountain valley king Darius engaged Alexander in (on bage 7)?

2. Are there any suggestions as to how Darius died, was he wounded (page 7)?

Anonymous said...

How did Darius die, and who killed him?
Was it Bactrian king who ordered it?
Over how many people was his massive empire split?

Anonymous said...

• What parts of the Greek religion and customs were most commonly adopted into the indigenous people's lives? Which were the least common?
• It says that chiefs claim descent from him; did he ever even have any children? If so, how many, and with who?

Anonymous said...

Why did Alexander want Darius alive?

If Alexander was a genius, why didn't he leave some sort of will behind, or some type of command for his generals? He had to assume that it was very likely for him to die because of all of the danger he faced daily... why didn't he leave some sort of will?

Anonymous said...

sorry this is late
1. Why was ATG's fights the toughest while crossing to India? (he had fought many in the past you'd think he would be used to it by now)
2. Did ATG think he was a god, or was that just propaganda?

Anonymous said...

In the reading, it says that Darius went to the Bactrian King to seek his aid and support in the battles. The Bactrian King thought about it and a few days later Darius was found dead by the road. Did the Bactrian King kill Darius, or did the King have the orders for Darius' death sent out? Or was it even the King?

Why did "whoever" kill Darius? I understand he was a threat.

It also says that when he adopted his Eastern customs, why were his officer corps upset by it? Is it because they thought he was sort of favoring their culture? He says he was doing it out of kindness and being welcomed by their hospitality.